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Job Ready Student

Victory Garden Network

Project Management

I gained project management skills through creating and assigning projects to Tara and her family and the volunteers. I would oversee their work and be available if they needed any help. Not only was I able to build confidence through leading this project, I have also been able to apply these skills in my work place and in school. 


Due to my introverted personality, I have always been more of a team player than a leader. Working with student volunteers, I was faced with a challenge of finding a balance between being their peer/team member and also being their leader. By finding this balance I was able to lead a successful victory garden installation!


I enjoyed that people of all ages were involved in this project and all working towards a common goal. By having such a diverse group of people with varying skills we were able to come together and have a successful installation day!


Throughout this internship I was able to further develop my written and verbal communication skills. My written skills developed through crafting emails, newsletters and fundraising. My verbal skills were improved through various presentations and effective communication with the homeowner and volunteers. Not only was I able to improve my written and verbal communication skills, I was also able to enhance my listening capabilities by listening to Tara and her ideas for the garden while also taking advice from my advisor. 


I have never been a fan of public speaking. Before any presentation I always get nervous, my hands get clammy and my face turns slightly pink. Not to say those things do not happen anymore, but I can have definitely noticed an improvement in my public speaking skills, especially because I am presenting about a project that I am proud of.

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